September 13, 2012 -
It's time to take the conversation about union rights out of the technical and often confusing arena of labor law and into the realm of civil rights, which has a moral grounding that resonates with a far greater number of Americans than just those in unions.
September 13, 2012 -
Larry Gibson, a leader in the campaign to end mountaintop removal coal mining, died Sunday on the West Virginia mountain he fought so hard to protect. Today, his fellow activists will gather at the White House to remember him and to call for an end to the destruction of Appalachia.
September 12, 2012 -
Florida, North Carolina, Texas and Virginia are among the states that could do a better job of protecting voters from "bullies at the ballot box," according to a new report from voting rights watchdogs.
September 11, 2012 -
Some pundits say North Carolina's no longer a lead swing state in the 2012 elections. Big Money contributors don't seem to agree.
September 10, 2012 -
Sanderson Farms of Mississippi just posted a 22 percent jump in revenue and announced plans to build a new plant in North Carolina. Meanwhile, workers at its Hazelhurt, Miss. plant are protesting poor working conditions.
September 7, 2012 -
So far, 93 oil industry accidents have been reported in Louisiana in the wake of Hurricane Isaac, releasing millions of pounds of toxic pollution into the environment. Watchdogs say the incidents point to the industry's chronic failure to prepare for entirely predictable problems.
September 6, 2012 -
In Charlotte, N.C. for the Democratic National Convention, Facing South's Chris Kromm talked with Democracy Now! about how the region's black and Latino voters may hold the key to nation's political future.