June 26, 2012 -
A Washington Post investigation finds that members of Congress are trading stock in companies they have the power to influence. That's perfectly legal under current law and ethics rules -- but should it be?
June 26, 2012 -
As expected, this week the Supreme Court reaffirmed its 2010 Citizens United decision. While the ruling's impact on federal races has been well-documented, the influence of shadowy money on state-level races has received less attention -- but could be even more important.
June 25, 2012 -
The United Auto Workers is focusing its do-or-die Southern campaign on the giant 3,000-worker Nissan plant in Canton, Miss., where many in the largely African-American workforce have already pledged their support for the union.
June 22, 2012 -
Real Jobs NC, a political group backed by Republican donor Art Pope that played a key role in North Carolina's 2010 elections, is preparing for 2012.
June 22, 2012 -
Following the General Assembly's passage of legislation legalizing fracking, North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue's office reports receiving thousands of calls and emails asking for a veto. She also got a letter from the former mayor of a Texas community where fracking is big business warning about the bill's threats to property rights.
June 21, 2012 -
A journal funded by leading North Carolina conservative benefactor Art Pope attacks the science of sea level rise, offering as evidence an article that appeared in a periodical published by Lyndon LaRouche supporters, by someone who champions the pseudoscience of dowsing.
June 21, 2012 -
From private prisons to immigration detention, we break down the numbers and companies in the industry.