August 18, 2006 -
Anyone familiar with the history of Andrew Young knows it's the story of a civil rights legend. Born in New Orleans, by the late 1950s Young had joined the freedom movement, registering voters in Atlanta, GA.
June 2, 2006 -
Here's how free speech works in the town of Bentonville, Arkansas -- home of the Goliath of retail itself, Wal-Mart.
May 17, 2006 -
Some highlights from today's progressive blogging south of the Mason-Dixon Line:
May 5, 2006 -
Readers of Facing South know that we are close followers of
May 2, 2006 -
Welcome to those of you coming from Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars, National Review (!), and other places that highlighted our coverage of yesterday's May Day immigrant rights events that shook the South.
April 26, 2006 -
The essence of the American dream is that every child born sh
April 25, 2006 -
As you may be aware, Wal-Mart wants to get into the banking business. They also want FDIC deposit insurance.