November 11, 2011 -
A gusher of political cash is flowing into Congress from the natural gas industry to fight regulation of the environmentally risky drilling method known as "fracking."
April 7, 2011 -
We've been saying at News Taco how Texas has become the face of the new America, where Latinos have grown in numbers and influence, where most of the kids in public schools are Latino, where, as demographer
July 6, 2010 -
By Ryan Knutson,
September 3, 2009 -
Texas Governor Rick Perry's talk of secession last spring has fed the efforts of a group of Texas secessionists who say it's time for the governor to follow through.
August 5, 2009 -
Texas Congressman Lloyd Doggett held one of his regular community meetings th
May 1, 2009 -
The World Health Organization warned countries this week that a global pandemic from swine flu appeared imminent.