Southern Politics
August 17, 2009 -
Readers of Facing South know that we question widely-made claims that the South is a monolithic bastion of conservatism.
August 15, 2009 -
FAR-RIGHTRELIGIOUS GROUP BEHIND "DEATH PANELS" MYTHLINKED TO OTHER HEALTH REFORMDISTORTIONS: Sarah Palin appears tohave picked up the misinformation that led toher "death panel" charges from the LibertyCounsel -- a far-right religious groupaffiliated with Jerry Falwell's LibertyUniversity empire in Lynchburg, Va.(8/11/2009)
August 11, 2009 -
A longtime proponent of advance care planning, U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson said yesterday that former Alaska Gov.
August 11, 2009 -
President Obama held a town hall meeting on health care today in new Hampshire and mentioned the misinformation being spread about "death panels," which former Alaska Gov. and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin mentioned on her Facebook page last Friday.