north carolina
October 12, 2012 -
Voting-rights advocates are challenging North Carolina's new legislative and congressional districts as racially discriminatory.
October 5, 2012 -
Though the South is the U.S. region with the greatest concentration of income inequality, its representatives in Washington are doing a poor job of bridging the gap.
October 4, 2012 -
Asian Americans have been trending Democratic but remain highly independent, and their numbers are growing in the key Southern swing states of North Carolina and Virginia.
October 3, 2012 -
Indiana Republican Steve Buyer, who fought tobacco regulation while in the House, is now representing the North Carolina-based tobacco giant, which has been aggressively marketing smokeless tobacco products in the face of declining U.S. cigarette consumption rates.
October 2, 2012 -
Unallowable expenses the utility giant submitted as part of recent North Carolina rate hike cases included lobbying, political junkets and costs related to a criminal investigation in Indiana. A watchdog group calls for an audit and penalties for improper future submissions.
September 28, 2012 -
Most of this campaign's rhetoric has focused on creating jobs and helping the middle class. But many of the few jobs being created are low-wage jobs, highlighting that job growth alone will not address the plight of hard-working poor families, who make up a fast-growing portion of the electorate.
September 27, 2012 -
The Democratic-controlled Wake County School Board fires a superintendent hired by Republicans bent on ending a successful desegregation policy -- but the move may have put the system's funding in political peril.