August 22, 2011 -
By Joe Atkins, Labor South Time for another Labor South round-up: Verizon workers in Virginia join walkout
October 7, 2008 -
Wall Street may be getting a bailout -- but not state unemployment relief funds, which according to are running dry across the country:
October 2, 2008 -
Blacksville #2 mine in Monongalia County, West Virginia shut down today after every union miner stayed home to protest Consol Energy mine owners who allowed the National Rifle Association to enter the worksite to shoot an anti-Obama video.
August 8, 2008 -
Facing South's bi-weekly listing features new books about the U.S. South and books written by Southern writers. Covering for the Bosses: Labor and the Southern Press by Joseph B. Atkins, 280 pages, University Press of Mississippi (July 2008)
May 23, 2008 -
The Florida-based Coalition of Immokalee Workers have emerged victorious in their campaign demanding that Burger King boost wages and improve working conditions for thousands of farm
April 28, 2008 -
As Fair Food activists gather today in Miami to deliver the first 75,000 signatures on a petition urging Burger King to eliminate slavery and human rights abuses from Florida's tomato fields, new information has come to light about who was behind online postings attacking the Coalition of Immokalee