labor notes
July 31, 2013 -
The Arkansas-based retail giant is disciplining and firing workers who participated in a strike in June. While the firings are almost certainly illegal, congressional Republicans have declawed the national labor board, leaving it without a quorum to conduct business.
July 10, 2013 -
The Trans-Pacific Partnership -- a trade agreement written with help from the likes of Walmart and Halliburton -- would enhance corporations' power to sue governments over laws they don't like, increase pressure for fracking, and make job-killers like NAFTA look puny. Congress will soon debate whether to fast-track it.
March 21, 2013 -
Multiemployer health care plans bargained by unions should have been a model for U.S. health care reform, but the Affordable Care Act tilts the playing field against them.
March 13, 2013 -
A national day of action on March 24 will call on Congress to keep Saturday mail delivery, but postal worker unions have other demands to halt the push toward USPS privatization.
February 15, 2013 -
With the fight over the Keystone XL pipeline intensifying, the old argument that unions must choose between jobs and the environment is losing its grip as climate change becomes more evident and more urgent.
February 5, 2013 -
Attempts to unionize Walmart stores have been met with firings, outsourcing, and even closings. Now employees of the Arkansas-based retail giant are exercising their rights to redress grievances together -- whether or not a majority can be rallied to support the effort.
December 18, 2012 -
Managers bankrupted Irving, Texas-based Hostess and then -- when bakery workers struck, refusing another round of concessions -- blamed the workers for the company's decision to liquidate. What can workers do when a private-equity firm is driving a company into the ground?