john william pope foundation
December 8, 2011 -
At a major conference in North Carolina next March, the Art Pope-funded Civitas Institute has invited a lead speaker best known for pushing a constitutional amendment making it easier for states to secede from the U.S.A.
November 10, 2011 -
North Carolina powerbroker Art Pope is often described as a "libertarian," but he's veered from libertarian views on gay marriage, pouring nearly $1 million into anti-gay marriage organizations -- including the group spearheading an anti-marriage amendment campaign in North Carolina.
October 17, 2011 -
A big part of Tea Party darling Herman Cain's media image is about being a political outsider. But a new Associated Press report shows how the conservative activist group Americans for Prosperity, led by the Koch brothers and Art Pope, has been a critical springboard for the 2012 Republican presidential hopeful.
January 14, 2011 -
OCTOBER 2010 - PRESENT | Facing South's investigative series looks at North Carolina's most influential benefactor for Republicans and conservative groups -- and his growing national power.