institute for southern studies
November 11, 2008 -
Lessons from the Religious Response to Hurricane Katrina August 2008
November 7, 2008 -
What Congress Can Do to Confront the Ongoing Crisis of Hurricane Katrina February/March 2007
November 5, 2008 -
The State of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast Aug/Sept 2006
November 4, 2008 -
This special June 2006 report from Gulf Coast Reconstruction Watch looks at New Orleans' storm-protection infrastructure and finds a city dangerously prepared to face a major hurricane.
July 15, 2008 -
Facing South will be heading to Netroots Nation this Thursday, which we are pleased to see is being held here in the South (Austin, Texas).
June 22, 2007 -
This week, our coverage of the mythic NC "voter fraud" scandal, racists in Tennessee, the cause of
April 3, 2006 -
The Wilmington Star has a nice overview of Bob Hall, a long-time staffer at the Institute for Southern Studies, and his pioneering work on campaign finance reform -- which may well depose N.C.'s Democratic House Speaker Jim Black: