Gulf Coast
January 17, 2007 -
When the levee systems built and maintained by the federal government failed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the resulting deluge flooded 80 percent of New Orleans and surrounding parishes, leading to more than 1,000 deaths and billions of dollars in property damage.
January 12, 2007 -
Has Sen. Joe Lieberman sold out on his campaign promise to hold the Bush regime accountable for its disastrous mishandling of Hurricane Katrina in order to serve as the Democratic lackey for its unpopular Iraq surge strategy?
January 11, 2007 -
ICF International -- the private company that received a $756 million contract from Louisiana to administer its Road Home recovery program -- has reneged on a promise it made to step up processing of grants to homeowners, the Times-Picayune reports.
January 11, 2007 -
The Associated Press reports:
January 11, 2007 -
With at least two marches now planned for tomorrow to protest a recent spike in homicides, New Orleans city officials yesterday announced various plans to fight street crime. Unfortunately, the proposals fail to address the blind rage and growing desperation that seem to be fueling much of the violence.
January 9, 2007 -
A jury trial gets underway today in Mississippi involving Katrina insurance claims that State Farm says refusing to pay claimsare not covered:
December 22, 2006 -
Hoping to speed aid to Louisiana homeowners who suffered losses in last year's storms, the state's Road Home rebuilding program will take a fresh approach to appraising properties.