Education and Schools
August 3, 2006 -
You may recall our profile and interview with college Democrat Alex Youn here at Facing South last year. He's an interesting young man with a lot of energy, and he's pretty smart about politics.
July 27, 2006 -
By way of C.E. Petro, Mother Jones has a report on some statistics entitled "How the poor get dinged at every turn." Here is a random sampling:
June 27, 2006 -
The Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2006 Kids Count study was released today, and while there are some improvements the findings are not encouraging for the South. The study looks at several indicators of child well-being in every state.
June 19, 2006 -
South Carolina governor Mark Sanford (R) has signed into a law a bill that allows students to receive credit for bible school. As The State reports,
June 6, 2006 -
A new report by the Southern Growth Policy Board says:
May 25, 2006 -
This may be old news for some of you, but I just stumbled across this story the other day:
April 18, 2006 -
Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue signed Georgia's tough new immigration legislation into law yesterday: