Associated Press
January 6, 2014 -
The oil and gas industry says fracking does not endanger groundwater supplies. But an Associated Press review of data from several states offers the latest evidence that the industry's claims are not true.
July 19, 2012 -
The American Tradition Institute, a conservative think tank with ties to fossil-fuel interests, is continuing its campaign to discredit prominent climate scientists using freedom of information requests - and it's particularly interested in their communications with journalists.
May 10, 2006 -
In what is being called the first state-by-state breakdown of Latino birth rates in the country, the National Center for Health Statistics has new statistics showing how dramatically the South is being changed by new immigrants. Here's how a story from the Associated Press begins:
April 28, 2006 -
The scandal season is still in full bloom, claiming ethically challenged lawmakers across the political aisle. Two recent items of a Southern flavor (hat tip to TPM Muckraker):
September 30, 2005 -
So reports the Associated Press:
May 26, 2005 -
How the Texas legislature became the fine deliberative body it is today. From the Associated Press (via truthout):
May 19, 2005 -
Yesterday we brought attention to a news clip about protests at Halliburton's annual shareholder's meeting in Houston, which included the startling news that the energy services giant and military contractor was considering leaving Iraq.