asian american
September 27, 2024 -
In the second story in our CAROLINADAZE series, Sonia Rao explores her search for community in North Carolina and the growing importance of Asians and Asian-Americans in shaping the state's political landscape.
November 10, 2017 -
A year after Donald Trump was elected president in a campaign that appealed to bigotry, voters across the South rejected the politics of division and embraced trailblazing African-American, Asian-American, Latino and LGBT candidates.
November 3, 2016 -
North Carolina's controversial 2013 voting law was blocked by a court for discriminating against black voters, but the move affects other voters of color as well — including the state's fast-growing Asian American electorate.
October 14, 2016 -
All year, reports have said voters from Latino, Asian American and other immigrant communities have been galvanized to stand against the anti-immigrant rhetoric that has dominated the 2016 election. But the critical question as Election Day approaches is: will they vote?
May 26, 2016 -
A new national survey finds Asian Americans, who are among the South's fastest-growing voter demographics, are turned off by anti-immigrant rhetoric and increasingly identifying as Democrats.
March 9, 2016 -
New research spotlights the growth and diversity of the state's Asian-American population and its untapped voting potential.