advancement project
July 19, 2013 -
The Republican-led state Senate unveiled legislation this week that will make it harder for hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians to vote. Voting rights advocates are protesting the latest example of the state's regressive political turn.
July 18, 2013 -
Had the issue of race been allowed in the state trial of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin, the federal government would have a hard time bringing federal charges -- and maybe no case at all.
October 11, 2012 -
Civil rights leader Judith Browne Dianis of The Advancement Project makes the case for a new constitutional amendment protecting the right to vote, which most of the world's democracies already have.
September 26, 2012 -
A report from the Advancement Project details state efforts to restrict voting -- and the disproportionate burden they will place on Latinos.
May 31, 2012 -
Democrats and election watchdogs say that Florida's aggressive purging of supposed non-citizens from its voter rolls is a nakedly partisan attempt to help Mitt Romney win the presidency. But the bigger problem for Gov. Rick Scott is that it likely violates federal laws.