June 6, 2005 -
As announced here at Facing South and over at DKos, we're looking for a few good Southern bloggers. Lots of them, in fact.Here at the Institute for Southern Studies -- your favorite think tank/act tank work for progressive change in the South -- we're trying to get a handle on whose blogging in the region.Are you a progressive blogger in the South? Know a good blog we should know about? Let us know in the comments or drop us a line at here.
June 6, 2005 -
Virginia is emerging as hot political turf this year.
June 6, 2005 -
Yesterday, media flocked to a story that, as the Associated Press reports, "Federal agents raided a migrant farm labor camp where homeless men and women were kept in what labor officials called a version of modern-day slavery."
June 6, 2005 -
The Louisiana coast may be rapidly sinking into the Gulf of Mexico. And Texas may be next. But how fast, and why?
June 3, 2005 -
[Ed. Note: We're once again pleased to welcome one of our favorite film critics, David Fellerath of the Independent Weekly in Durham, N.C., for a round of Friday Film Blogging.]
June 3, 2005 -
David Sirota has a good piece at The American Prospect that deflates the hot air of self-congratulation filling the media in the wake of Deep Throat's unveiling.