October 7, 2005 -
The appalling failure of public and private relief agencies to help people in New Orleans and other hurricane-struck areas of the Gulf has provided many stories of sadness and outrage.
October 7, 2005 -
Few will forget the stories of sadness and outrage at the staggering failure of public and private agencies to provide help to the people of New Orleans and other hurricane-struck areas. But there are inspiring stories, too, of grassroots inventiveness in the face of official neglect -- in many cases, led by progressive activists.
October 7, 2005 -
Posted by R. Neal
October 6, 2005 -
Posted by R. Neal Hotel Chain Asks Katrina Evacuees to Leave:
October 6, 2005 -
Posted by R. Neal Here's a great speech given by Al Gore yesterday on the threat corporate controlled media poses to democracy. In his opening he says "American democracy is in grave danger" and that "it's almost as if America has entered an alternate universe."
October 6, 2005 -
Posted by R. Neal From the Atlanta Journal Constitution (free registration required):
October 6, 2005 -
Posted by R. Neal Chris had a great post yesterday on Seven Points for Rebuilding the Gulf Coast. As a follow up to that, here's an op-ed from the Boston Globe (free registration required):