October 24, 2005 -
The LA Times ran an interesting piece this weekend about how local housing advocates are trying to address the perplexing issue of fixing up the some 100,000 homes in New Orleans that were rendered inhabitable by Hurricane Katrina.
October 22, 2005 -
Yesterday was a huge traffic day here at Facing South, thanks to widespread interest in our post about the identical editorial that appeared, unsigned and looking like a local "house" editorial, in some 8-10 newspapers connected with the right/libertarian
October 21, 2005 -
Halliburton seems to have fallen into more trouble:
October 21, 2005 -
I have to put in one more plug for two great events happening in Durham, N.C. this weekend.
October 21, 2005 -
(Note: Welcome all new-comers from Atrios, Pandagon, DKos and beyond. Read through to at least Update IV -- you won't be disappointed. And feel free to read more about us.)What do this newspaper editorial, this one, this one, and this one all have in common?All of them are unsigned editorials, which makes it look like they're original opinion pieces for each paper. (The Colorado Springs Gazette even says it's "our view.")And they all happen to say exactly the same thing, beginning with this paragraph:
October 21, 2005 -
The elusive Kingfisher Posted by R. Neal
October 20, 2005 -
Posted by R. Neal Wordjunky wonders in comments below if the Japanese might be willing to take back their Kudzu as part of any trade agreements with the South.