February 24, 2006 -
Each year, consumers lose $25 billion due to predatory mortgages, payday loans, and other lending abuses like overdraft loans, excessive credit card debt, and tax refund loans. These nefarious banking practices strip away wealth from low-income people and communities, and transfer them to powerful finance interests.
February 24, 2006 -
A hawk (Cooper's Hawk?) spotted during last week's Great Backyard Bird Count
February 24, 2006 -
The economy is doing great. That's the message the White House and business reporters have been pedaling, ever since the recession "ended" in 2002.
February 23, 2006 -
This might brighten your day: Greetings from New Orleans: an experiment in found art You have to read the introduction to understand what it's all about. Pretty fascinating. Bonus:
February 23, 2006 -
Here's a NYT editorial comparing the housing situation in New Orleans to NYC urban decay circa 1970. The conclusion:
February 23, 2006 -
According to the New Orleans Times Picayune, a Louisiana court has ruled that candidates there may not have access to FEMA registries of displaced residents who may also be voters:
February 22, 2006 -
When the House committee investigating Katrina released its 379-page report last week, the portions of the report savaging the government's failed relief effort made big headlines. But the report also included many smaller bombshells, including a devastating critique of FEMA's contracting operations.