April 3, 2006 -
I'm glad to be back from a much-needed
March 31, 2006 -
Redwing Blackbird
March 30, 2006 -
The Times-Picayune summarizes the New Orleans public housing debate:
March 30, 2006 -
The U.S.
March 30, 2006 -
Sorry about the light (no) blogging yesterday in Chris's absence. We got wound up in a huge local story that, while it doesn't have a wide ranging affect around the South, is interesting nonetheless.
March 28, 2006 -
The Nature Conservancy and the Conservation Group have purchased more than 200,000 acres of forest land from International Paper for $300 million. The properties are all located in the South.
March 28, 2006 -
As I mentioned here before, I believe the U.S. needs a rational immigration policy but I'm not sure what one looks like. I'm surprised that Congress has decided to take it on in a hotly contested election year, but I guess I shouldn't be because there could be lots of votes to be gained with the right posturing and rhetoric.