May 1, 2006 -
20,000 in Orlando, thousands more in rest of Florida ...
May 1, 2006 -
May 1, 2006 -
Usually, May Day -- celebrated world-wide as International Workers Day -- is ignored by most Americans. But this year promises to be different, thanks entirely to the growing movement for immigrant rights.
April 28, 2006 -
In just three days -- Monday, May 1 -- something very big is going to happen across the country. Building on the massive immigrant rights protests of the past two months, hundreds of thousands of workers (maybe more) are going to join the Great American Boycott.
April 28, 2006 -
The scandal season is still in full bloom, claiming ethically challenged lawmakers across the political aisle. Two recent items of a Southern flavor (hat tip to TPM Muckraker):
April 28, 2006 -
Over at TAPPED, Matthew Yglesias notes a recent report by the Congressional Research Service (covered in the Washington Post) analyzing spending for the Iraq war. Apparently it's a slow read until the end:
April 27, 2006 -
Congress has refused to increase the minimum wage in over a decade, even though the value of the minimum wage, thanks to inflation, is 24% less than it was in 1979, and 7.3 million workers would benefit from an increase.