May 7, 2007 -
With hurricane season less than a month away, experts from the United States and the Netherlands say flaws in New Orleans' repaired levee system could leave the region vulnerable to another disastrous breach like the one that occurred after Hurricane Katrina, which was the largest civil engineering disaster in U.S. history.
May 4, 2007 -
The South is among the regions of the United States hit hard by colony collapse disorder, in which large numbers of honeybees are dying off and disappearing, never to be seen again.
May 3, 2007 -
The Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) in Aiken, SC was established in 1951 by University of Georgia with funding from the Atomic Energy Commission. Its mission was to study the effects of the Savannah River Site nuclear weapons facility on the surrounding environment.
May 3, 2007 -
A special U.S. House task force voted yesterday to open a federal investigation into last November's disputed District 13 congressional election in Sarasota County, Fla., where more than 18,000 ballots cast by touch-screen machines recorded no vote for either candidate.
May 2, 2007 -
Paul Kiel at TPM Muckraker has an interesting article about the timing of indictments against the Missouri chapter of ACORN involving alleged "voter registration fraud":
May 2, 2007 -
The chemically adulterated Chinese protein products that wound up in U.S. pet food -- killing at least 16 dogs and cats and sickening thousands of others -- have apparently entered the human food chain via meat.
May 1, 2007 -
A new report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, "Contacts Between Police and the Public, 2005," says that while the number of citizens of all races stopped or searched by law enforcement has dropped since 2002, minorities are still more likely than whites to be searched, arrested, and/or have force used against them.