August 15, 2007 -
Racism and Resistance: The Struggle to Free The Jena Six By Jordan Flaherty Guest Blogger
August 14, 2007 -
The Associated Press reported yesterday that federal tax incentives for Gulf Coast reconstruction are being used for luxury sports accommodations:
August 13, 2007 -
by Avram Friedman Guest Blogger
August 10, 2007 -
Hello, and welcome to a new feature at Facing South: the Friday Factoid. And to show we're about more than just deep political and social commentary here at FS, we'll kick off today's episode by looking at the fascinating issue of baby names in the South.
August 10, 2007 -
Facing South was one of the first media outlets to cover the case of the Jena 6 -- black youths in rural Louisiana who are facing up to 22
August 9, 2007 -
The U.S. Census Bureau has released a new report today finding that nearly one in every 10 of the nation's 3,141 counties has a population that is more than 50 percent minority.
August 9, 2007 -
With all the attention on Election '08, it's easy to forget that there are important elections underway in '07, such as state-wide contests in Mississippi, where the aftermath of Hurr