March 10, 2008 -
The nation's two largest religious denominations have taken significant steps to promote a healthier environment.
March 7, 2008 -
Former Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco is on the lecture circuit these days talking about lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina.
March 7, 2008 -
Si, Se Puede" may be becoming an over-used Presidential campaign slogan, but the message of "Yes, We Can" still has meaning for members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida.
March 7, 2008 -
If you're on Facebook and have been wondering how you can stay in touch with Facing South/Southern Exposure, show solidarity with a powerful voice for independent media and change in the South, badger us online, etc. -- you're now in luck!
March 7, 2008 -
For a hot minute, our country actually had a debate about NAFTA over the last couple weeks, thanks to sparring between the Clinton and Obama campaigns heading into this week's Ohio and Texas primaries.
March 7, 2008 -
In last week's installment of Friday dogblogging, we brought you a feel-good story about a program that rescues dogs that have become companions of U.S. soldiers in Iraq. This week we have a sad report about soldiers' alleged mistreatment of animals.
March 7, 2008 -
Today's job report coming out of the Bureau of Labor Statistics has some grim news: for the first time in eight five years*, the country has seen two straight months of job losses. The net job loss for February was 22,000.