April 27, 2009 -
David Bear -- who monitored radiation at Three Mile Island following the 1979 meltdown and who went on to co-author a critique of the official account of the disaster that we reported on earlier this month in our special TMI investigation -- was interviewed last week by KGO-AM 810, San Francisco's largest news/talk radio stati
April 27, 2009 -
Environmental advocates expect a big turnout from the oil industry and its boosters in the "drill, baby, drill" crowd, so they're encouraging drilling opponents to attend the hearing and speak for two to five minutes on why they don't support opening up the state's coast to oil and gas operations.
April 24, 2009 -
In the world of cut-throat Washington lobbying, Virginia-based D & P Creative Strategies wants you to think they're different. The slogan of the small firm - which proudly states on its website that it's "100% minority and woman-owned" - is "Consulting with a Social Conscience." As if to separate themselves from the image of the mercenary, anything-for-the-money culture of K Street, the company instead projects an image of mission-based lobbying with values: