August 18, 2009 -
Davis has been on death row since 1991 for the 1989 murder of off-duty white Savannah policeman Mark MacPhail. Despite his 18 years on death row, Davis maintains his innocence, and legal experts and human rights advocates say there is enough evidence to back up his claim.
August 17, 2009 -
The town hall protests against health insurance reform have cost one of their organizers a job.
August 17, 2009 -
Readers of Facing South know that we question widely-made claims that the South is a monolithic bastion of conservatism.
August 17, 2009 -
By Bill Quigley and Davida Finger Guest Contributors Number of renters in Louisiana who have received financial assistance from the $10
August 15, 2009 -
FAR-RIGHTRELIGIOUS GROUP BEHIND "DEATH PANELS" MYTHLINKED TO OTHER HEALTH REFORMDISTORTIONS: Sarah Palin appears tohave picked up the misinformation that led toher "death panel" charges from the LibertyCounsel -- a far-right religious groupaffiliated with Jerry Falwell's LibertyUniversity empire in Lynchburg, Va.(8/11/2009)
August 14, 2009 -
As part of our ongoing Town Hall Tracker project, here's a clip from Think Progress of Rep. Tom Perriello's (D-VA) event this week.
August 14, 2009 -
We're now two weeks into the Town Hall Uprising that hasrocked members of Congress coming home for their August recess. The signs andscreeds have been uncannily similar: "Obamacare" will kill your grandma.Bureaucrats will choose your doctors. We're headed towards socialized medicine,a slippery slope towards communism in the USA.But whether coming from a hot-headed protester or a formergovernor of Alaska, the rhetorical bombs share at least two things in common: