February 3, 2010 -
Duke Energy's permits to release pollution from three coal-burning power plants in the Charlotte area expire early this year, and for the first time the North Carolina Division of Water Quality will require the company to test groundwater near the facilities' coal ash ponds.
February 3, 2010 -
This week, DailyKos released the eye-opening results of a poll of 2,000 Republicans across the country, which found that astonishingly large numbers of GOP voters believe President Obama is racist, a socialist, and a non-citizen -- vie
February 2, 2010 -
The landfill in Perry County, Ala. that has been taking coal ash spilled from the failed waste pond at Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston plant has declared bankruptcy -- a move that leaves a planned lawsuit to halt the dumping up in the air.
February 2, 2010 -
By Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest The one redeeming feature of the abominable Supreme Court rulingon corporate electoral expenditures is the majority's retention of therules on disclaimers and disclosure. While opening the floodgates tounlimited business political spending, the Court at least recognizesthat the public has a right to know when a corporation is responsible
February 1, 2010 -
During the energy portion of his first State of the Union address last week, President Obama called for "building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country."
January 29, 2010 -
By Bill Quigley Smoke and flames rose from the sidewalk. A white man took pictures. Slowing down, my breath left me. The fire was a corpse. Leg bones sticking out of the flames.