March 1, 2010 -
There's an effort underway in Louisiana to use the 2010 Census to pull in federal funding for Cajun and Creole cultural programs, and it's stirring up some controversy over how to best classify members of the state's French-speaking cultures.
March 1, 2010 -
By Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Critics of the $787 billion Recovery Act complain it is not doingenough to revive the economy, but they rarely ask why the companiesthat are receiving stimulus contracts and grants are not hiring morepeople. Now one of those recipients is facing a growing controversyover its employment practices in a case that helps explain why jobsremain in short supply.
February 26, 2010 -
Quick: What causes a politician's popularity to tank? A controversial vote, weak performance, general voter unrest -- all can cause poll numbers to drift downward. But for your approval ratings to really bottom out, it takes a scandal.
February 26, 2010 -
By A.C. Thompson, ProPublica Former New Orleans Police Department Lt. Michael Lohman pleadedguilty to a single count of conspiring to obstruct justice, inconnection with one of a string of violent encounters between policeand civilians in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Policeshot at least 10 people during the week after the storm made landfall.
February 25, 2010 -
Environmental groups have identified serious water contamination pro
February 24, 2010 -
The watchdog group Americans United for Separation of Church and State has asked the Internal Revenue Service to investigate Liberty University in Virginia for what it calls a "clear pattern of partisan intervention" in the recent race for a state House of Delegates seat.