November 3, 2010 -
2010 shaped up to be the big election year everyone promised it would be. Here are some of the top election stories coming out of Southern states: A TEA PARTY PARTY: Whether it's an organized movement, a vague anti-government sentiment, or just a faddish media label (think "soccer moms") for energized Republicans, the tea party was an influential phenomenon in 2010. Aside from the marquee senate victories in Florida and Kentucky and for governor in South Carolina, tea party activism -- boosted by generous
November 2, 2010 -
After weeks of hysteria about "voter fraud" leading into today's elections, what kind of dastardly deeds have been turned up?
November 2, 2010 -
Most serious political experts know that real, documented voter fraud is an extremely small problem.
November 2, 2010 -
"Voter fraud" hysteria has reached a fever pitch, despite there being little evidence that it's a problem. Why is Fox News doing "all voter fraud, all the time?" Who's backing the anti-"voter fraud" crusade?I'll be on WBAI 99.5 New York's "Wake Up" show this morning at 6:50 am EST to talk about the issue -- tune in here.
November 1, 2010 -
UPDATED 11/12/10