January 6, 2012 -
The Truth and Hope Tour will focus attention on poverty in the Tar Heel State.
January 5, 2012 -
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management faces charges of race discrimination for permitting a landfill in an African-American community to take the toxic waste spilled in the 2008 Kingston coal ash disaster.
January 5, 2012 -
Tea Party activists and conservatives are putting their hopes in the South Carolina primary to push the 2012 presidential race to the right. But the state may also be a symbol of the Tea Party's waning power.
January 4, 2012 -
A new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service documents the growing gap between rich and poor -- and how U.S. tax policy is deepening the divide.
January 3, 2012 -
In a case hinging on a state's right to regulate corporate campaign contributions in a post-Citizens United world, the Montana Supreme Court ruled that the American Tradition Partnership represents "a threat to the political marketplace."
January 3, 2012 -
While BP is running ads touting its Gulf cleanup, the major media and politicians are ignoring the voices of residents who have a different story to tell. Will this be the year they're finally heard?
January 2, 2012 -
As 2012 dawns, the protest that began in September against the "captains of finance" who nearly destroyed the nation's economy promises to shape the political dialogue in a crucial election year and steal some of the thunder from the corporate-sponsored Tea Party movement.