July 19, 2012 -
The American Tradition Institute, a conservative think tank with ties to fossil-fuel interests, is continuing its campaign to discredit prominent climate scientists using freedom of information requests - and it's particularly interested in their communications with journalists.
July 18, 2012 -
With billions of dollars in Clean Water Act fines for the BP disaster slated to go to Gulf states, the region's businessmen and political leaders are talking about using the money for purposes other than ecosystem restoration. Gulf Coast citizens and advocates need to follow the money and demand accountability.
July 17, 2012 -
A new report finds that more than 4 million Southern citizens are blocked from voting by laws that deny citizenship to those with a felony on their record. In a state like Florida, it could tip the election.
July 16, 2012 -
A federally-funded study involving university scientists and Gulf Coast communities impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is looking at toxic components of crude oil in Gulf seafood in the BP disaster's wake.
July 13, 2012 -
History shows that union membership has grown when labor has been on the offensive fighting for all workers. That's why SEIU organizer Rand Wilson argues that the movement's next fight should be for state laws requiring "just cause" before a worker is fired.
July 13, 2012 -
The Affordable Care Act, called "Obamacare" by its opponents, provides for an expansion of the joint federal-state health care program for the poor. But many Southern governors say they will reject that expansion -- even though it would benefit their states' economies.
July 12, 2012 -
The Democratic Party tied its upcoming convention's fortunes to Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers, now embroiled in a scandal over an abrupt CEO switch following the company's merger with Progress Energy. What will the controversy mean for the party in the upcoming election?