December 21, 2012 -
The GOP control of the House came despite more votes for Democrats. How did that happen? Republicans used dark money to control redistricting in many states, as the experience of North Carolina illustrates.
December 21, 2012 -
There are growing calls for better gun regulation in the wake of the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre. But what are gun-control advocates up against when they take on the National Rifle Association?
December 21, 2012 -
Dec. 22 marks four years since a coal ash impoundment collapsed at a TVA power plant in Tennessee, inundating a community and two rivers. As EPA drags its feet over issuing federal coal ash rules, politicians backed by industry interests are maneuvering to block the agency's ability to protect people and the environment -- even though their states have been adversely affected by poor regulation.
December 20, 2012 -
Members of the International Longshoremen's Association honored a picket line at the Port of Charleston that was protesting the arrival of a ship bearing Walmart clothing made at a Bangladesh factory where over 100 workers died in a November fire. Dozens of truck drivers and other workers also turned around after learning of the work stoppage.
December 20, 2012 -
Bill Ritter, who led a revamp of Colorado's fracking regulations and is now being considered to head the U.S. Department of Energy, visited North Carolina this week to share his thoughts with the state's fracking commission. With controversy over the risky practice roiling his home state, Ritter emphasized the need for drillers to obtain what he called a "social license" to operate.
December 19, 2012 -
A picket will be held at the Port of Charleston protesting a shipment of clothing from the Bangladesh factory where over 100 workers died in fire last month. The action comes days before a nationwide vigil in solidarity with workers at Walmart throughout its supply chain.
December 18, 2012 -
Cerberus Capital Management has announced plans to sell its ownership of the Freedom Group of Madison, N.C., the maker of the Bushmaster X-15 used to kill most of the 26 victims at Sandy Hook elementary school.