April 17, 2014 -
A new study sheds light on how the color of your skin influences the quality of the air you breathe. And while the South ranks relatively high for environmental inequality, it turns out that it's among the regions with the least disparity between whites and nonwhites when it comes to lung-damaging air pollution exposure.
April 17, 2014 -
Mississippi's surveillance of civil rights activists in the 1960s turned it into a police state. Today, widespread government spying has turned the entire United States into a police state.
April 16, 2014 -
A new report looks at the real-world consequences of a conspiracy theory promoted by the extreme right -- and by North Carolina leaders including Gov. Pat McCrory -- that claims environmental sustainability initiatives are part of a plot to destroy America and kill most of humanity.
April 15, 2014 -
A by-the-numbers look at who pays, who doesn't, and where the money goes.
April 14, 2014 -
A program launched by conservatives to root out alleged voter fraud has generated a lot of heated rhetoric but few cases of actual wrongdoing. North Carolina joined the program just as two other states dropped out amid concerns about unreliable data.
April 11, 2014 -
Conservative activists and media outlets made wild claims of voter fraud after the North Carolina elections board pointed to potential problems. But after a closer examination of how similar findings played out elsewhere, newspapers urged caution as the investigation proceeds.
April 11, 2014 -
This week international human rights campaigner Desmond Tutu called for a boycott of carbon polluters, much like the effort that helped bring down the apartheid regime in his native South Africa. Southern energy giants are among the companies that could feel the heat.