August 22, 2014 -
North Carolina has passed the nation's first state law regulating coal ash, but it's being met with protests for not doing enough to protect public health and the environment -- and for placing oversight in the hands of political appointees in a state where Duke Energy is a major campaign financier.
August 22, 2014 -
This week and next, people in 12 states are taking part in a "Moral Week of Action." The event marks the first time the Moral Monday demonstrations that began in North Carolina 16 months ago have been coordinated across multiple states.
August 22, 2014 -
While anti-immigrant sentiment has flared up in the South in response to the flood of Central American children seeking refuge in the United States, some Southern leaders have set a different tone by welcoming children from the border to their communities.
August 21, 2014 -
This week marks 50 years since Fannie Lou Hamer of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delivered historic, nationally televised testimony from the Democratic National Convention about voting rights suppression and racist law enforcement violence -- themes that are once again making headlines across America.
August 19, 2014 -
The first public hearing on North Carolina's proposed fracking rules will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 20 in Raleigh, with three other hearings set for the central and western parts of the state. Environmental advocates have reviewed the rules and are offering their ideas for how they should be changed to better protect natural resources and public health.
August 18, 2014 -
Organizers of campaigns targeting the policies of North Carolina's legislature and pressing for a $15-an-hour minimum wage for fast food workers take a broad approach to movement building and solidarity -- and provide new reason for hope in the South.
August 15, 2014 -
A federal program to transfer Defense Department gear to local law enforcement has led to police even in small communities looking like an occupying military force. It's now under scrutiny because of shocking scenes of police violence that unfolded this week in Missouri following an officer's deadly shooting of an unarmed black teen -- and it's also caused problems across the South.