November 20, 2014 -
A study by the Center for American Progress looked at the success rates of law firms arguing cases before North Carolina's highest court and compared them to the firms' contributions to justices' campaigns. The findings underscore concerns about impartiality in a court system flooded in political money since the end of the state's public financing program for judicial races.
November 20, 2014 -
It's the latest round in a fight between North Carolina regulators and a charter-school power broker who has tried to keep the financial details of his companies secret.
November 19, 2014 -
A national conference for racial justice advocates held in Dallas last week considered how changing racial demographics present both opportunities and challenges for advancing racial justice in the country and in the South.
November 19, 2014 -
Thanks to Republican-drawn congressional districts, the mismatch between Democratic votes and Democratic representation in Washington remains high across the South.
November 14, 2014 -
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) is being roundly criticized for trying to prove her big oil credentials during a contentious runoff election by pushing for a vote on the controversial tar sands pipeline.
November 14, 2014 -
President Obama reportedly plans to issue an executive order before year's end dramatically overhauling U.S. immigration policy, sparing as many as 5 million people from the threat of deportation. What will the political consequences be?
November 14, 2014 -
With North Carolina-based Bank of America and other big banks in trouble again -- this time over pursuing consumer debts that aren't legally collectable and manipulating foreign currency markets -- isn't it time for the Justice Department to stop allowing corporations to evade prosecution?