May 5, 2016 -
After local residents began raising concerns about cancer clusters near Duke Energy coal ash waste pits, the state cancer registry conducted a study that it claims shows there's no cause for worry — but a epidemiologist who reviewed the state's analysis says it does nothing of the sort.
May 4, 2016 -
Democrats plan to use Donald Trump's divisive statements to help boost turnout in the 2016 elections and help candidates in down-ballot races. Will it work?
April 29, 2016 -
The HB2 boycott is disrupting business as usual and changing the political debate in the state, just as boycotts should. What will it take for the campaign to succeed in the long run?
April 29, 2016 -
Following the arrests of over 1,200 people in Washington, D.C. during nonviolent protests against big money in politics, members of Congress are demanding hearings on legislation that aims to protect voting rights and curb corporate influence over elections.
April 29, 2016 -
More than two decades ago, Louisiana created a tax exemption for horizontally drilled oil and gas wells that's still in place — and it's costing the cash-strapped state billions in revenues.
April 29, 2016 -
The number of registered Latino voters in Alabama increased threefold in less than a decade. Now organizers are fighting back against hostility towards the immigrant community while working to elevate the state's Latino vote.
April 27, 2016 -
While offshore drilling in the Atlantic is canceled for now, plans are still underway to conduct seismic blasting for oil and gas reserves. As scientists, environmentalists, local communities and some elected leaders press to block the tests, the industry has been contributing unprecedented amounts of money to influence key federal lawmakers.