May 2, 2017 -
The Trump administration is reviewing President Obama's five-year plan that closed the Atlantic and other waters to offshore drilling through 2022. The GOP says Atlantic drilling would create hundreds of thousands of jobs, but it's basing the claims on an industry-funded report that's been debunked for omitting crucial data.
April 28, 2017 -
The law firm managed by Jill Holtzman Vogel — a Virginia state senator and GOP candidate for lieutenant governor — is at the center of a scandal over false accusations of voter fraud in North Carolina.
April 28, 2017 -
Earlier this year, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson announced plans to execute eight death row inmates over a 10-day period this month in a rush to use a lethal injection drug before it expired. But in doing so, the state may have subjected the mentally impaired to cruel and unusual punishment and denied DNA evidence to a man who could have proven his innocence.
April 21, 2017 -
After helping fuel the nation's rightward shift in last year's elections, Southern conservatives find themselves in key positions of influence in both the executive and legislative branches in Washington.
April 21, 2017 -
When New York passed "Raise the Age" legislation last week, North Carolina became the only state that automatically prosecutes 16- and-17-year-olds as adults. The N.C. legislature is now considering similar legislation to end the state's outlier status when it comes to youth justice.
April 20, 2017 -
Though federal contractors are banned from making campaign contributions, a GEO Group subsidiary donated $225,000 last year to a super PAC affiliated with the Trump campaign. The parent company just landed a $110 million contract to build an immigrant detention center in Texas, sparking protests from campaign finance watchdogs.
April 19, 2017 -
As legislation to limit residents' ability to collect damages in civil lawsuits against factory farms makes its way through the N.C. General Assembly, a new mapping project offers a clearer picture of who would be affected by the controversial proposal.