August 16, 2017 -
Following far-right violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, sparked by efforts to remove a statue of Confederate General Lee, there have been renewed efforts to take down monuments to the Confederacy. In Durham, North Carolina, activists toppled one at the county courthouse, while construction workers took down another in Gainesville, Florida. But hundreds remain — and some states have laws that aim to keep them standing.
August 15, 2017 -
On Saturday, a Nazi sympathizer smashed his car into a group of anti-racist demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing one person and injuring at least 19 others. The violence has refocused attention on controversial "hit and kill" bills that would grant immunity in some cases to drivers who hit protesters.
August 11, 2017 -
Unless state leaders take action to protect ratepayers, the multibillion-dollar financial burden of SCE&G's canceled nuclear reactors will fall most heavily on those who can least afford it.
August 11, 2017 -
Back in May, the queer liberation group SONG freed scores of Black women from jail during its Black Mamas Bail Out Campaign. It chose this month to continue the initiative because of August's historical significance in the fight against mass incarceration and for Black liberation.
August 11, 2017 -
Labor lost a high-profile campaign to unionize auto workers at Nissan plant in Mississippi last week. But the union says it isn't going away, pointing to other historic Southern labor drives that often took multiple elections to win.
August 10, 2017 -
Like a number of fast-growing Southern cities, Greenville, South Carolina, is losing its working class to more affluent residents. Efforts to address the problem are underway, but are they enough?
August 2, 2017 -
North Carolina now has a law in place based on a model bill promoted by the libertarian Goldwater Institute that regulates protests on public college campuses. The state also played a key role in the legislation's crafting.