May 6, 2005 -
From the Glenwood Springs (CO) Post Independent, May 3, 2005:
May 5, 2005 -
In his column in the Times today, David Brooks (as usual) lays spurious claim to a "middle ground" (what he calls "Lincoln's land") between passionate, crusading evangelicals and the "bland relativism of the militant secularists" (whatever that is).
May 5, 2005 -
From the Tennessean:
May 5, 2005 -
Last December, the Dallas Morning News (reg req'd) uncovered anomalies in Houston school district test scores: it seemed that the Bush Administration's No Child Left Behind initiative, with its threat of sanctions for schools with low scores on standardized tests, was driving s
May 5, 2005 -
The FBI is exhuming Emmett Till's body as part of a reopened 50-year-old murder case, evidently to prove both that the body is really his and to establish how he died. From the Clarion-Ledger:
May 5, 2005 -
Just when you thought Texas lawmakers were out of touch and not up to taking on the tough issues of the day, the Associated Press brings news to the contrary:
May 4, 2005 -
Jonathan Tasini at Working Life points to a good story in today's New York Times about growing pres