The staff of the Piedmont Peace Project

Southern Exposure Contributor

The entire staff of the Piedmont Peace Project worked on the special section, “Falling Apart/Coming Together,” providing ideas, perspective, and feedback. Besides those writing the articles in the section and those participating in the interview, they include: Jane Wholey, editorial coordinator for this special section, has been PPP’s media consultant since 1990. She lives in New Orleans. She has devoted her professional career to helping grassroots groups speak on their own behalf in the media. Angela Plummer is managing director of administration at PPP. She was born and raised in Charlotte (part of the Piedmont). She worked previously for seven years in the U.S. Army. Stan Holt is development director of PPP. Previously he was development director at the Institute for Southern Studies and executive director of the North Carolina Lesbian and Gay Health Project. He lives in Durham, North Carolina. Nancy Bates is a development associate at PPP. She moved to Kannapolis (where PPP has its headquarters) from the Boston area two years ago. Her past professional experiences are in business and art. (1996)

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