INSTITUTE INDEX: Will Southern governors sacrifice their economies by seceding from the Medicaid expansion?

Of 29 studies that looked at the economic impact of Medicaid, the joint federal-state health care program for low-income Americans, percent that found Medicaid spending has a positive impact on state economies: 100
Rank of Medicaid among the largest sources of federal funds for states: 1
Amount Mississippi appropriated to Medicaid in fiscal year 2012: $819.3 million
Amount Mississippi drew down from the federal government for its program as a result: $2.4 billion
Amount that spending generated in salaries in Mississippi: $2.365 billion
Amount that spending added to Mississippi's general fund: $156.6 million
Rank of Mississippi among the states that would see the largest influx of federal funding from the Medicaid expansion that's part of the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. "Obamacare": 1
Rank of Medicaid among the greatest economic development engines for Mississippi, according to a state representative who's considered one of the legislature's leading experts on the program: 1
Percent of Mississippi residents who live in poverty: 22.4
Rank of Mississippi among the states with the highest poverty rates: 1
Rank of Mississippi among the states with the highest unemployment rates: 8th
Current unemployment rate in Mississippi: 8.7
Amount Mississippi would be expected to receive between 2014 and 2019 under the Medicaid expansion: $9.8 billion
Percentage that amount represents of Mississippi's yearly gross state product: 10
Date on which Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) said he planned to resist Medicaid expansion in his state: 6/28/2012
Of the 19 states with rates of uninsured residents higher than the national average, number in the South (see accompanying chart; click for larger version): 9
Of those nine Southern states, number where the governors have said they are refusing or considering to refuse the Medicaid expansion: 7
(Click on figure to go to source. Map from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Chart from the paper "Give Me Liberty or at Least Your Votes: A Study of Governors' Altruism on Health Care" by John Hudak with the Brookings Institution.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.