Southern Politics
February 24, 2025 -
The Trump administration has unleashed massive cuts to federal jobs and programs since taking office. With close to a third of federal employees based in Southern states, the region could be uniquely hard-hit.
November 26, 2024 -
In the 2024 elections, Southern states largely followed the nation's rightward shift. But a deeper dive reveals that the South was far from a monolithic conservative stronghold.
March 4, 2016 -
Republican-led legislatures in several Southern states are trying to increase conservative control of their high courts in hopes the justices will uphold their legislation while outside political groups are spending millions to help conservatives reach the bench.
February 19, 2016 -
The string of Southern primaries that kicks off this weekend in South Carolina gives voters in the region a unique opportunity to shape the 2016 election and reflects Southern states' growing influence over national politics.
January 29, 2016 -
Voting rights activists in a number of Southern states have taken state and federal election district maps to court in recent years — and the cases are going their way.
December 18, 2015 -
The past year saw big steps taken toward building a better, stronger and more just South, from wage gains for workers to aid for refugees to grassroots organizing for a more environmentally sustainable future.
October 21, 2015 -
Since Republicans took control of the Senate in January, they have delayed and obstructed highly qualified judicial nominees at every step of the confirmation process, leading to scores of vacancies on the bench and dozens of judicial emergencies.