tourism industry
November 14, 2022 -
New Orleans-based documentarian Jason Kerzinski recently visited Manchac, Louisiana, to talk to fisherfolk there about an international chemical company's plan to capture carbon dioxide from a nearby natural gas-to-hydrogen plant and pipe it beneath Lake Maurepas. They shared their fears about the $4.5 billion project, which will begin seismic testing on Nov. 17.
May 2, 2017 -
The Trump administration is reviewing President Obama's five-year plan that closed the Atlantic and other waters to offshore drilling through 2022. The GOP says Atlantic drilling would create hundreds of thousands of jobs, but it's basing the claims on an industry-funded report that's been debunked for omitting crucial data.
June 2, 2016 -
The hospitality industry is thriving in the tourist mecca of Nashville, Tennessee, but the people who do the hard work of keeping the city's hotels clean are not sharing in the prosperity and often face appalling work conditions, a new report finds.
August 14, 2015 -
Southern governors, working in concert with energy industry lobbyists, are pressing the Obama administration to open ocean waters off the East Coast from Virginia to Georgia to oil and gas development. But a burgeoning grassroots movement bringing together environmentalists, business leaders and coastal residents is gaining momentum as it fights to block drilling in the Atlantic.
March 18, 2015 -
With the public comment period for Atlantic oil and gas drilling set to close on March 30, coastal residents, businesspeople, elected officials and scientists are speaking out in unprecedented numbers against what they see as an excessively risky proposal.
February 20, 2015 -
While governors in the Southeast are pushing for offshore oil and gas drilling in the Atlantic, elected officials in other East Coast states are fighting the proposal, saying the potential cost is too great.
January 21, 2015 -
A new report from the conservation advocacy group Oceana finds that developing offshore wind resources along the Atlantic Coast would create twice as many jobs and produce twice as much energy as opening the area to risky oil and gas drilling -- and North Carolina stands to gain the most jobs of all.