scott walker
September 21, 2015 -
So far this year 67 individuals and companies have given $1 million or more to super PACs supporting presidential candidates. Southern donors, including many Texas oil billionaires, account for over 50 percent of the contributions and have given exclusively to GOP candidates.
May 18, 2015 -
The Republicans running Mississippi have the prison system in shambles, workers' compensation gutted, education on a precipice — and journalist Joe Atkins looking back to populist Louisiana Gov. "Uncle" Earl Long for solace.
June 28, 2013 -
A website publicizing details about people arrested in nonviolent protests at the N.C. legislature expanded this week to include salaries of arrestees who are public workers -- and suffered a setback when local officials said they'd no longer take arrestees' mugshots. Meanwhile, private data-gathering efforts in another state are generating controversy over their use for political retaliation.
June 17, 2013 -
The Texas-based group that targets alleged voter fraud is suing the IRS for refusing to grant its request for tax-exempt status. But the agency has cause to be skeptical about True the Vote's claims of non-partisanship.
August 31, 2012 -
The Romney campaign had a strangely inapt group of messengers promote the theme of Ayn Rand-style entrepreneurship at the Republican Convention: GOP governors who have presided over deals in which huge sums of taxpayer money have been handed over to large corporations.
June 11, 2012 -
Trayvon Martin's is far from the only shooting in which the controversial law has been at issue, as shown by other incidents in places including Texas, Louisiana and Florida.