Southern Exposure was an award-winning print journal published by the Institute for Southern Studies, publisher of Facing South, from 1973 until 2011. Southern Exposure earned a national reputation for its writing on a broad range of political and cultural issues in the South, with a special emphasis on investigative journalism and oral history.

On the 50th anniversary of Southern Exposure’s birth, Facing South and the Institute will be publishing a full digital archive of the journal over the course of the year. The initial installment of the archives available in March 2023 includes issues from the magazine’s launch in 1973 through 1981.

Vol. 29 - 2001

Magazine cover, photos of assembly lines and trees against green background. Text reads "Good Jobs & Green Communities: Can we have both a healthy environment and a strong economy?"

Good Jobs & Green Communities

  • Gold & Green: Together Again

  • Living on the White Side: The Diary of a New Orleans Fair Housing Tester

  • Southern Journalism Awards

  • Neighborhood Schools—Or Resegregation?

  • Abuse Behind Bars

  • Dying Behind Bars

  • Disabling the Disabled

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