INSTITUTE INDEX: Challenging forced labor in immigrant detention centers

A lawsuit was filed this week over working conditions for prisoners at Stewart Detention Center, a privately-run immigrant detention facility in Georgia. (Photo from CoreCivic's website.)
Daily wage some of the undocumented immigrants held at Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia, earn for cooking, cleaning and maintaining the facility, with those who refuse threatened with solitary confinement and loss of access to necessities: $1
Net income last year of CoreCivic, the Nashville, Tennessee-based company formerly known as Corrections Corporation of America that runs the detention center under a government contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: $178 million
Date on which the Southern Poverty Law Center, Project South, and two law firms filed a lawsuit challenging CoreCivic's practices under laws against human trafficking: 4/17/2018
Number of months that plaintiff Wilhen Hill Barrientos, an asylum seeker from Guatemala, has been detained at Stewart while his case is pending: 33
Number of hours Barrientos works on a typical day in the center's kitchen: 6 to 8
Days per week he usually works there: 7
Amount he's paid per day: $4 to $5
Number of fully paid kitchen staff at Stewart: 0
After filing a grievance for being forced to work while he was sick, number of months that Barrientos was sent to medical segregation: 2
Percent of immigrants in U.S. detention who are held in facilities run by private companies: at least 65
Year in which current and former detained immigrants who were forced to work at private detention centers began to file class-action lawsuits alleging labor law violations: 2014
Even before the case targeting conditions at Stewart, number of lawsuits that were filed in recent years against private prison companies over wages for immigrant detainees: 5
Number of members of Congress, all Republicans, who last month urged the Trump administration to defend the private prison companies against the lawsuits: 18
Amount CoreCivic made in federal political contributions during the 2016 election cycle: $295,642
Percent of that money that went to Republicans, including Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, one of the congressional letter's signatories: 96
Total amount contributed by private prison companies during the 2016 federal election cycle: $1.6 million
Factor by which that exceeded what they gave in the 2014 cycle: 3
Amount CoreCivic has already contributed during the current election cycle to both the National Republican Congressional Committee and National Republican Senatorial Committee: $15,000
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.