INSTITUTE INDEX: How the Puerto Rican crisis is shifting Southern politics

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (in center) and Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry (at left) visited the city's port earlier this month to see the relief effort underway to help the people of Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria's devastation. Many Puerto Ricans are relocating to that and other Southern states, transforming the political landscape. (JAXPORT photo via Flickr.)
Date on which President Trump threatened to pull federal relief workers from the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico despite the ongoing humanitarian crisis following Hurricane Maria, which hit the island last month as a Category 4 storm: 10/12/2017
Years the U.S. government's recovery effort lasted after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005: more than 5
Size of the aid package that Congress is considering for Puerto Rico, which was already mired in an economic crisis before the storm: $36.5 billion
Month in which Puerto Rico officially became the largest bankruptcy case in the history of the U.S. public bond market: 5/2017
Date on which President Trump — quoting a journalist with the conservative, pro-Trump Sinclair Broadcast Group — tweeted that Puerto Rico's economic crisis was "largely of their own making": 10/12/2017
Year in which Congress began phasing out Puerto Rico's tax haven status, leading to a corporate exodus, recession and mounting debt: 1996
Amount Puerto Rico stands to lose in Affordable Care Act funds over the next decade, which will deepen its debt: $16 billion
Amount Puerto Rico's government and its public corporations owed to bondholders and public employee pension systems before Maria: $123 billion
Year in which Puerto Rico acknowledged that its debt is not payable: 2015
Year in which U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina inserted an obscure amendment into U.S. bankruptcy law excluding Puerto Rico from Chapter 9 bankruptcy that applies to most local governments and municipalities, giving it no way to ask a court to decide how its creditors would get paid: 1984
Year in which Congress enacted a bill creating a new Chapter 9-type process for Puerto Rico that would allow a judge to force creditors to accept a settlement, but which bondholders are likely to fight: 2016
Percent of Puerto Rico's residents who live below the poverty line: 46
Percent of its population Puerto Rico has lost in the last decade as residents — U.S. citizens since 1917 — left the island to seek opportunities on the U.S. mainland: 10
Of the 10 states that saw the greatest in-migration of Puerto Ricans between 2007 and 2009, number in the South: 5*
Rank of Florida among the U.S. states with the highest concentration of Puerto Rican residents, who tend to vote Democratic: 2
Number of Puerto Ricans who currently live in Florida, a political swing state: over 1 million
Number of Puerto Ricans expected to arrive in Florida's Orlando area alone in the next few months: more than 100,000
Percentage points by which the last two presidential and gubernatorial races were decided in Florida: less than 1
Year in which voters in Central Florida, which is home to about 350,000 Puerto Ricans, elected Democratic Rep. Darren Soto as the state's first congressperson of Puerto Rican descent: 2016
Rank of Soto's 9th District among those with the most island-born residents: 1
Percent of Florida's total Latino vote Trump won last year: about 35
Percent of his share that came from Cuban-Americans: 54
Percent of Florida's non-Cuban Latino vote that went to Hillary Clinton: about 70
Clinton's edge over Trump among Florida's Puerto Rican voters: 3 to 1
Of the 69 House Republicans who voted against aid for Puerto Rico this week, number who represent districts in Florida: 0
* The 10 states in descending order were Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland.
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.