INSTITUTE INDEX: Trump's election integrity commission is already driving away voters

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach serves as vice chair of President Trump's election integrity commission, which has triggered a nationwide backlash with its massive request for state voter data. (Photo by Andrew Rosenthal of the University Daily Kansan via Flickr.)
Date on which Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach — the vice chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity who's been dubbed the "king of voter suppression" — sent a letter to all 50 states asking them to provide voter roll data including voters' addresses and the last four digits of their Social Security numbers: 6/28/2017
Since then, number of people who've contacted the North Carolina State Board of Elections with concerns about the data request, some asking to cancel their voter registration or for instructions on how to do so: hundreds
Number of voters who contacted the supervisor of elections in Florida's Seminole County wanting to remove their names from the rolls as a result of the data request, all of whom were reportedly convinced to stay registered: 15
Number of people who have canceled their registrations in Colorado in response to the commission's demands: over 3,000
Number of states that have refused to provide all of the voter data requested: 48
That have refused to cooperate with the request at all: 21
Of those 21 non-cooperating states, number in the South: 5*
Date on which Republican Secretary of State Delbert Hoseman of Mississippi, among the non-cooperating states, said in response to the data request that the commission headed by Vice President Mike Pence could "go jump in the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi is a great state to launch from": 6/30/2017
Number of lawsuits that have been filed against the commission so far over the data request: 6
Number of different federal privacy and ethics laws the lawsuits accuse the commission of violating: 6
Among the most serious challenges to Kobach's efforts, rank of the request for a temporary restraining order from the Electronic Privacy Information Center, which claims the commission violated the E-Government Act of 2002 by failing to perform a privacy impact assessment before sending the data request: 1
Date on which Kobach's commission asked states to hold off on submitting the requested data until a federal judge decides whether it's done enough to protect voters' privacy: 7/10/2017
Date on which the commission is planning a meeting that will be open to the public only through a video feed, which the ACLU in its lawsuit says violates federal transparency law: 7/19/2017
Amount that Kobach, who's running for Kansas governor, was recently fined for misleading a federal court by trying to hide two documents in a lawsuit over the state law he championed requiring voters to show proof of citizenship: $1,000
Number of people President Trump has claimed voted illegally in last year's elections: 3 million to 5 million
Pieces of evidence he has provided to back up his claim: 0
* Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Virginia.
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.