INSTITUTE INDEX: Exxon Mobil's long record of wrongdoing under Rex Tillerson

Since Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump's pick for secretary of state, has been at the helm of Exxon Mobil, the company has funded climate science denial, broken federal laws and regulations, violated a court-approved legal settlement and failed to respond promptly and appropriately to accidents. (Photo of Tillerson by William Munoz via Flickr.)
Year in which Rex Tillerson, President-elect Donald Trump's pick for secretary of state, was hired as a production engineer by Exxon, the oil company that would eventually become the Exxon Mobil petrochemical conglomerate: 1975
After rising through the ranks, including stints overseeing the Texas-based company's operations in Yemen and Russia, year in which Tillerson became Exxon Mobil's president and a member of the board of directors: 2004
Year in which he became its chairman and CEO: 2006
Year in which the company, long a leading funder of groups that promote climate science denial, pledged in a report to shareholders that it would cease financing such groups: 2008
Amount it was still donating to such groups annually as of 2014, according to a Greenpeace investigation: more than $1 million
Amount the federal government ordered Exxon Mobil to pay in 2008 for violating terms of a court-approved Clean Air Act agreement related to pollution violations at refineries in Texas, Louisiana and California: $6 million
As part of a lawsuit filed by environmental groups in 2010, number of Clean Air Act violations Exxon Mobil admitted to at its oil refinery and chemical plant complex in Baytown, Texas, between 2004 and 2009: nearly 4,000
As a consequence of those violations, pounds of cancer-causing 1,3-butadiene released to the air from the facility: 60,000
Of cancer-causing benzene: 35,000
Number of people who live within three miles of the facility: almost 15,000
Amount in civil penalties being considered in that case, which is still being fought in the courts today: $40 million
Miles of the Yellowstone River that were fouled in 2011 when an Exxon Mobil oil pipeline ruptured in Montana: 70
If Exxon Mobil personnel had responded promptly, portion by which the Yellowstone spill could have been reduced, according to a U.S. Department of Transportation report: 2/3
In 2013, gallons of oil that spilled from an Exxon Mobil pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas, into a residential neighborhood and nearby waterways: about 134,000
After federal investigators found probable violations of pipeline safety regulations, amount Exxon Mobil paid in civil penalties for the Mayflower spill: almost $5 million
Pounds of cancer-causing benzene that leaked from Exxon Mobil's refinery in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in June 2013: 31,000
According to an Environmental Protection Agency probe conducted after the benzene leak, number of underground pipes the refinery failed to inspect over a five-year period: over 1,000
Number of workers who were critically injured in a fire at that same refinery last month: 4
Number of accident reports, which are legally required when a certain amount of pollution is emitted, the company has filed about the incident to date with the National Response Center, the federal clearinghouse for such incidents: 0
Date on which the Louisiana Bucket Brigade, a nonprofit that monitors petrochemical pollution, released a statement saying that if Tillerson does for the world what he's done for their state, "God help us": 12/15/2016
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.