Welcome to Facing South's new home

Sixteen years ago, the Institute for Southern Studies launched Facing South as an email newsletter to bring Southerners and South-watchers like you the latest news, trends and analysis on the South.
What began in 2000 as a weekly email update soon evolved into a widely-followed blog published by the Institute. As we featured more original reporting, major investigations and in-depth analysis, Facing South became a full-fledged online magazine recognized nationally as a go-to source for understanding the changing South.
Today, Facing South is the Institute's flagship publication — one we realized had outgrown our organizational website where it had been housed for years. To give Facing South the room to be a dynamic, digital media platform, and to make it easier for you to find all of our coverage of the South, we're launching Facing South at its own website — www.facingsouth.org — with a brand-new look.
Welcome to the new home of Facing South.
The newly-designed site by Kilpatrick Design includes a cleaner, streamlined look that makes it easier to find and share stories. Links to topics take you to our latest investigations and reporting on Politics, Human Rights, the Environment and more. And you can sign up to receive our free weekly newsletter with the latest news and trends from across the South.
What the new site doesn't change is our award-winning reporting on issues that matter in the South.
Facing South will continue to produce hard-hitting investigations that expose injustice in the region. We'll keep shining a powerful light on special interests that threaten our communities, the environment and democracy. And we'll still lift up the voices of Southerners working every day for a better South.
Thank you for reading, sharing and following Facing South. Our work would not be possible without you, our readers across the South, country, and world.
Let us know what you think of the new Facing South site by sending us an email at website@southernstudies.org or visiting our Facebook page.
Chris Kromm
Chris Kromm is executive director of the Institute for Southern Studies and publisher of the Institute's online magazine, Facing South.